Why Regular Care from a Foot Doctor Matters

Posted on: 4 April 2024

Your feet carry you through life, step by step. Yet, all too often, we tend to take them for granted. Imagine how different your world would be if you had trouble walking, couldn't play sports, or couldn't run after your children. Proper foot care is as essential as a well-rounded diet and regular exercise for maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle. But what exactly can a foot doctor do for you? [Read More]

Tips For Mitigating Your Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Posted on: 28 March 2023

Plantar fasciitis is a prevalent condition that affects individuals of all ages. It is caused by inflammation in the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue stretching across the foot's bottom. Symptoms often include sharp pain in the heel or arch area and tenderness when standing or walking for extended periods. It is crucial to address plantar fasciitis because it can lead to long-term complications such as chronic pain and difficulty walking. [Read More]

Why Custom Orthotics Are A Good Addition To Your Hiking Boots

Posted on: 20 June 2022

If you're going to do a substantial amount of hiking, then of course you will want hiking boots. But beyond that, you may also want to have those boots fitted for custom orthotics. Here are some key benefits of having custom orthotics added to your hiking boots. A Better Fit Everyone's feet are shaped a little differently. Hiking boots are typically made to be versatile. They fit a lot of people's feet pretty well, but few people's feet perfectly. [Read More]

Runners, These Problems Mean "See A Podiatrist"

Posted on: 28 February 2022

As a runner, you get used to powering through pain and persisting, no matter what. On some level, it is this determination that makes one successful at the sport. You won't win a 5k or marathon if you stop the moment you get uncomfortable! The downside to this attitude, though, is that some runners keep running and training through pain and discomfort that are actually signs of a more serious, underlying issue. [Read More]